Why Does My Electrical Outlet Feel Hot?

Homes rely on internal wiring to power all the essentials of modern life. Your outlets are wired to provide grounded power for appliances, phone chargers, power tools, and anything else you might use in your daily routine. Most of the time, outlets are cool to the touch or slightly warm with electricity running behind the […]
What Causes Flickering Lights?

Several factors can cause flickering lights in your home. Sometimes it’s something as small as a bulb screwed in crookedly, which is an easy fix. Other times it’s a circuit connection that became loose, which poses a fire risk. While the tips below can help you identify the problem, we encourage you to call a […]
Electrical Safety Tips To Protect Your Pets

According to the 2017-2018 National Pet Owners Survey, 68% of U.S. households own a pet, which represents over 85 million families. Having a pet can add more joy and love to your house, but it requires responsibility. Similarly to children, pets need to be constantly supervised—especially if they’re young animals, like puppies and kittens. When […]
How To Baby-proof Your Home To Prevent Electrical Accidents

Your home is a place where you can relax and enjoy your time with your family. However, if you have babies, you know that sometimes they unconsciously put themselves at risk. You just blink and they’re putting their fingers into an outlet or trying to climb your new TV. In this blog, we share tips […]
Top Electrical Problems To Look Out For This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again, and with every glowing tree, outdoor light and plugged-in present, comes a series of electrical risks and dangers. Cold weather and blowing snow can cause a host of shocking surprises for even the most handy homeowner. Lucky for you, we’ve got everything needed to prevent an electrical catastrophe this […]