Flickering Lights? Here’s How You Fix Them

Owning a home can be a source of great pride for people, and as a homeowner, you want to be able to do everything you need to keep it in tip-top shape. However, while some home repair issues may seem small and easy to fix, they can have complex causes that require the expertise of a professional.

Here are the three most common causes of flickering light and what can be done to fix them.

Appliances Drawing Too Much Power

Have you noticed that your lights start to dim anytime you turn on your microwave? How about when the mood lighting sets in throughout your laundry cycles? Depending on the power system you have installed in your home, your appliances may be the cause of your light bulb troubles.

The cause of these problems can either be the appliance drawing too much power from the system, or its movements are shaking the electrical connections loose. In any case, it’s best to call an experienced electrician to solve the problem for you.

Incompatible Light and Outlet Combinations

If you’re having a flickering light problem but the issue is focused on one particular bulb, the issue is most likely being caused by a mismatch in the bulb and sockets amp and volt requirements.

To solve this issue quickly and get your lights back in working order, use a multimeter to check the voltage output of your light socket and pick up fresh bulbs that match the output.

Wear-And-Tear on Conductor Systems

Your home’s power system goes through a lot over the life of your house. If your lights are flickering or dimming and you’ve figured that is isn’t a bulb or appliance issue, then the problem might be an aging fuse box or worn-out conductors. 

Flickering lights can be a strain on your eyes and a sign of something seriously wrong in your home, but having the right electricians at your side can make your home repairs as fast as a flick of the switch. Give our friendly staff a call today at 701-232-1991 or visit us online for more easy solutions to your home’s electrical needs.

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