Safety Tips For When The Power Goes Out

Power outages are not just a minor annoyance. From lighting up our houses to performing risky surgeries, we rely on electricity. When power outages last too long, they may disrupt communications, close stores, cause food spoilage, and increase the risk of accidents. Here are some tips to prepare for extended power outages.

How To Prepare For A Power Outage

  • Make a list of appliances and equipment that runs on electricity.
  • Have a few flashlights with extra batteries to help you navigate the dark.
  • Evaluate how long your food will last in the refrigerator until it spoils.
  • Have enough non-perishable food and water.
  • If you have medical devices powered by electricity or refrigerated medicines, ask your medical provider what you should do when the power goes out.
  • You might need to drive, so have at least half a tank of gas in your car.

What To Do During A Power Outage

  • Turn off all your appliances and equipment that relies on electricity. Spikes might cause electrical damage.
  • Leave at least one light turned on, so you can quickly notice when the power is back.
  • Never use candles or fire to light up the rooms. That’s why you need flashlights.
  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed. If your food has an unusual color, odor, or texture, throw it away. Don’t taste food to determine if it’s safe to eat.
  • Traffic might be chaotic, so only drive if it’s necessary—like if the blackout is making your rooms too hot or extremely cold.

Tips For Power Generator Safety

Having a power generator can help you prevent common problems power outages may cause. However, power generators can also be very dangerous if you don’t follow basic safety measures.


  • Ensure your power generator is dry and don’t use it in rain or wet conditions.
  • Talk to the fire department at your city to learn if there are local laws for fuel storage.
  • Let your power generator cool down before refueling.
  • Check if the cords are in good shape. Look for cuts and tears.
  • Take some time to read your power generator’s user guide for more safety tips.

Whether you need to install a power generator or you just have some questions regarding electrical safety, we can help you out! At JDP Electric, we have a skilled team ready to service your home or commercial building. Contact us by visiting our website or by calling 701-232-1991.

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